So, you’ve decided you want to start a blog. Congratulations on joining millions of others who enjoy the blogging process. Blogging is a great way to share your view of the world. It’s also a great creative outlet.
While you may be ready to jump in with both feet, there are a few things you should do first if you want to be successful with your blog.
Here are 5 Things to do Before Starting a Blog
Know the Reason for your Blog
What makes your blog different? What do you hope to achieve from your blog? What is the purpose behind it? Before you start doing anything, you need to know what your goals are for starting a blog. A successful blog will require work and commitment so don’t just run out and purchase a domain on a whim without first knowing your purpose.
Know your Choices in Blogging Platform
There are many blogging platform options available for you today and most are free. You can also choose to get your own domain and self-hosting. Before you start anything, take time to research your options so you pick the best choice for you.
I highly recommend you buy your domain and choose self-hosted if you plan to take it seriously.
Choosing a Host and Domain is Important
If you go with a self-hosted blog, you need to choose your domain name carefully. You also want to choose a quality, reliable host. You can change/move hosts later if you want to but it’s much easier to do your research and try to choose correctly from the start.
Create a Blog Plan
This plan will be like a business plan, but for your blog. It can include everything from content ideas to what social networks you plan to use. It’s important to have a solid plan for your blog when you begin but this will change over time. You will make tweaks and changes as needed, but starting with a plan will help ensure your blog is successful.
Good Content is Essential
Great content is the cornerstone of any blog. It’s a good idea to create several blog posts before you even launch. Creating posts ahead of time will give you the opportunity to find your unique voice. Take time to create well-thought posts that give something new and useful to the reader. Anyone can research a topic and write about it, only you can provide your unique voice and point of view.
Now that you know these five things to do before starting a blog, you’re ready to begin. You can start planning your new blog today. Are you ready?