Thousands of new blogs are created every day. What can a blogger do to stand out in the crowd? Create helpful content that meets a need and is pleasing to the eye. Thankfully, PicMonkey is one tool that can help you create eye catching images that will bring in that Pinterest traffic.
How to Make Watercolor Text in PicMonkey
If you aren’t sure how to use programs like Illustrator and PhotoShop, you might be jealous of the awesome watercolor text you’ve seen floating around lately. Fortunately, PicMonkey makes it super easy to turn any text into watercolor text in just a few clicks!
You will need actual watercolor images to do this, but you can find them for free or cheap on CreativeMarket, the Hungry JPEG, and similar sites.
Log into PicMonkey and choose “Design”. Set your canvas as you would with any design (I just did a square), and then add text.
Next, click the butterfly in the toolbar to add an overlay. Choose your own, instead of using a premade one from PicMonkey. Then, choose your watercolor image from the files on your computer. When you select your image, it’ll look something like this.
Choose “Add” from the drop down menu, and your watercolor image will be added to your text. It’s THAT easy! Remember to use thick, black fonts for best results. You can do this with any pictures, so have fun with it. I’d love to see what you come up with!